Declined The ideas and submissions that didn’t quite make it. Testing Need people to test your extension before submission? Share it here to get feedback. Users remember that testing is done at your own risk. Staff will not provide support for extensions that haven’t been approved yet. Ideas Post ideas for Extensions here. If an idea is already posted you may upvote it here. Please make sure to give as much information or examples of use cases so community developers understand what you are requesting. Unapproved/Deprecated This is where Extensions are placed after they are deprecated. There are many factors that can cause this, like code no longer working or it’s function being built into Streamer.bot natively. Approved Approved Extensions ready for import into Streamer.bot for use in your streams. Support is gladly offered for these and many of these are used by the community on their streams. Check out what cool stuff the community developers are sharing with the community for free. Extension Support Get support for Extensions here. Please include a link to the extension you are having issues with. This area uses solutions to track open posts. Please make sure to mark answers as solutions to help keep the flow going in here.