When you start a timer which is count up, after some time you set this timer to pause and start it again, he takes the actuall Time value, but he made then a countdown and not a timer…
Hey Rhondi
Now it looks better…
We struggeling only actually with the Timer start over Streamdeck, so thats we can start a timer which is counting up
We add the Action “Timer 1. Start TImer” and add a Argument with “String” “value” “up”. but the timer is not starting…
if i use the chat Command in the chat, it works
in the logfile we can found following entry:
[2024-05-26 22:51:30.957 DBG] InlineCode :: Running ‘StartTimerAction’ entry point from instance ‘2356084f-4860-47d0-83a1-332b816eb901’
[2024-05-26 22:51:30.960 INF] ----- TIMER LOG: timeValueString ‘ups’
When we press the Start Timer Button on Streamdeck