Timer in C# not working with sub-action messages

Extension: Countdown Timer in C#

I want the timer to start after me or my bot sends a message to chat automatically (using sub-action Twitch > Chat > Send Message to Channel) after viewer has redeemed reward, but timer only starts if I manually type message into chatbox.

Used to work fine but after not streaming for a while I noticed this problem on first couple of streams back?

Gonna tag the create of the countdown timer, maybe they know more about it @rondhi

Just fyi, technically you can also use a Timed Action Trigger, which gets activated once a user redeems the reward and then writes something into chat after x seconds. If it’s set on to not repeat it will then also disable itself again.

But in the end it depends on what is actually supposed to happen and if it’s possible for only one of that reward at the time to work at once

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You’ll want to set up your action like this. Just add the Set Argument and Run Action subactions to your existing action.

Import Code:

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