Get info about your Bits Leaderboard on Twitch via their API, whether just for the top 3 or top 100 users of all time, or a certain period.
Import File (6.8 KB)
In click the Import
button in the top menu. Drag the .sb file into the Import String
field. This will give you an action called [Bits] Get TopX (max100)
Argument Name | Value | Description |
topAmount | non-decimal number | How many users from the leaderboard you want to get. Min. 1, Max. 100 |
period | string/text | Period of time that will be checked from current date. Valid Values: day, week, month, year, all |
noUserText | string/text | Text which will be shown if no user is in that period |
rankFormat | string/text | How each singular rank text will look like. User %rankPosition% , %rankUser% or %rankScore% in it. |
You can use the action as is, or in combination with a command or as a Run Action subaction.
Generated Arguments
Argument Name | Value | Description |
bitsPeriodStarted | DateTime | Start date of the period checked. Will be “/” if period was set to all |
bitsPeriodEnded | True/False | End date of the period checked. Will be “/” if period was set to all |
bitsTotalUsers | int number | Amount of users in the leaderboard |
topBitsUsers | string/text | Text displaying the leaderboard |
topBitsUsersObs | string/text | Text displaying the leaderboard for OBS text source |
topBitsUsersFile | string/text | Text displaying the leaderboard for Write to File |
topBitsUsersDict | Dictionary<string,long> | Dictionary with userId’s and scores of leaderboard |
bitsTotal | long number | Total amount of bits spend by the leaderboard |
includeBotAccount | True/False | Whether the bot account is included |
bitRankUserId# | string/text | Twitch User Id. # is rank, starting at 1. |
bitRankUserName# | string/text | Twitch Login name. # is rank, starting at 1. |
bitRankUser# | string/text | Twitch Display Name. # is rank, starting at 1. |
bitRankScore# | long number | Score/Amount of bits spend. # is rank, starting at 1. |
Testing Phase Log
Version 1
- Singular Action with defining topAmount, period, noUserText, rankFormat
Version 2
- Adding topBitsUsersObs and topBitsUsersFile arguments