Subathon Countdown Timer


Using this extension you can now run a Subathon on your stream easily. Each Twitch Subscription, Re-Subscription, and Gift Sub will add time to the timer

Import Code (19.8 KB)


  1. Download the .sb import code
  2. In, open the Import Dialog
  3. Open the folder where you saved the import code and drag and drop the .sb file into the Import String box
  4. Click Import

Configuration Configuration

Subathon Configuration and Start

Any of the Set Argument subactions that require a duration can use the following syntax:
d for days, h for hours, m for minutes, s for seconds
Examples: 5d4h3m, 1h30m, 5m, 1h

Name Description Example
initialSubathonDuration Set to how long you want to start your stream 3h
maxSubathonDuration Set to how long you want the limit of your subathon to be 2d
subathonObsConnectionGlobal Set to the zero-indexed connection number found in Stream Apps > OBS 0
subathonScene Set to the name of your nested ncene that will house the text source for the timer [NS] SubathonTimer
subathonSource Set to the name of your text source that will display the countdown timer [TS] SubathonCounter
subathonSendMessageTo Set to which platform you want to send to. twitch, youtube, or both twitch
subathonSendAsBot Set to true if you want to use your bot account to send messages. False, otherwise True

Message Configuration

  • Most actions will be able to have a customized chat message
  • Each action will show which arguments are available
  • The following arguments are available with all actions that have message customization available:
Argument Name Format
%countdownElapsedLong% x days x hours x minutes
%countdownElapsedShort% x days 00:00:00
%countdownRemainingLong% x days x hours x minutes
%countdownRemainingShort% x days 00:00:00
%maxDurationLong% x days x hours x minutes
%maxDurationShort% x days 00:00:00

OBS Configuration

Source Copy Import

Manual Scene/Source Creation

  1. Create a scene and name it what you named it in the action. [NS] SubathonTimer by default (NS is short for nested scene)
  2. In that newly created scene, create a text source with what you named it in the action. [TS] SubathonCounter by default (TS is short for text source)
  • Feel free to format the font, style, and transform however you like. For best results, use a mono-space font and align to the right
  • When the timer is running, it will automatically update the text source with the time left in the subathon
  • You may add this nested scene into any other scenes as a source. For more information: watch this video: Nutty explains OBS Nested Scenes - YouTube

Twitch Sub Tier Configuration

  • Subathon Twitch Sub Tier 1 Config

  • Subathon Twitch Sub Tier 2 Config

  • Subathon Twitch Sub Tier 3 Config



Imported commands are disabled by default as a security measure. Please make sure to enable the !subathonStart and !subathonResume command. The other commands will be enabled when you start the subathon.

Command Name Description Note
!subathonStart Start the subathon You need to enter it twice to confirm overwriting an existing subathon
!subathonCancel Cancel the subathon You need to enter it twice to confirm overwriting an existing subathon
!subathonPause Pause the subathon
!subathonResume Resume the subathon You can resume even if you’ve restarted or if it crashed
!subathonAdd x Add time to the subathon Use this format: d for days, h for hours, m for minutes, s for seconds / Examples: 5d4h3m, 1h30m, 5m, 1h
!subathonElapsed Chat message to see subathon elapsed time
!subathonRemaining Chat message to see subathon remaining time
!subathonProgress Chat message to see current subathon progress

Action Subathon Done Action will be triggered once the timer runs out.