Slot Machine Game


:slot_machine: 4-Slot Game: Classic slot game with 4 slots for added excitement.
:tools: Customizable Emotes: Add or remove slot emotes directly via Twitch chat.
:scales: Weighted Emotes: Each emote has a “weight” value, making certain emotes more valuable within a defined range.
:moneybag: Dynamic Jackpots: Jackpot values have configurable min/max ranges based on emote weight.
:trophy: Partial Wins: Just like real slot machines, users can win partially.
:game_die: Randomized Setup: Initial setup assigns random weights to all emotes. Add/Remove commands won’t affect existing weights.
:arrow_forward: Multi-Platform Support: Twitch, Trovo and Youtube are supported platforms

Import File

:inbox_tray: (14.2 KB)


:warning: Prerequisite: You need a point system in place before using this game.

  1. Import the script into (SB).
  2. Activate the required commands.
  3. Choose your streaming platform in SMG - Initial Setup and trigger the command once to initialize.
    • For now, you can’t use the script on multiple platforms simultaneously
    • If you switch your streaming platform, you can switch from chat with !slotsetup <platform>.
  4. Start playing and enjoy!


  • !slots <amount>: Play with a specified amount of points.
  • !slots all: Bet all your points in one go.
  • !slots half: Bet half of your total points.
    Moderative Commands:
  • !slotsetup <platform> twitch/youtube/trovo (default is twitch).
  • !slotemote <add/remove/update> <emotename> <weight> (weight only with “update”).
    • remove/add twitch emotes without :.
    • remove/add youtube names from chat is kinda bugged because of YT. Best you modify the variables directly, but generally it should work from chat.
    • remove/add trovo emotes with plain text (e.g. !slotemote add :rip) not with the emote image.

Known Issues

  • Youtube Emotes can be tricky to edit/update. Best is to use simple emotes like the default emotes.



  • Now supporting: Twitch, Youtube and Trovo
  • You now can change the weight of the emotes from chat
  • Choose the platform you use for streaming with !slotsetup <platform>
    • no worries: already existing variables stay untouched
    • all variables have been renamed to be easier readable and sorted
    • Youtube emotes are a littly tricky to edit, i didn’t found a better solution yet. I’m open for ideas :slight_smile:
  • Points variable can be renamed now
  • Maybe more i forgot…