Simple Timed Messages


This extension allows to send a list of messages to chat on-repeat with a configured delay between them. Perfect for those Call-To-Action messages.

Import Code


In click the Import button in the top menu. Drag the .sb file into the Import String field.


TimedAction Time Between Messages configuration

  1. Enable the timed action “Time Between Messages”
  2. Set the timer to your desired time and lines.

Action SetMessages Configurations


  1. Add messages in the “Messages” folders using the following syntax for names:
    “messageN” where N is the message number.
  2. Set the “messageCount” variable to the total number of messages in the “Messages” folder.

“messageCount” must be set to exactly the number of messages inside the “Messages” folder

Action SendMessages Configurations

There are different ways to send the timed messages and that can be configured in the SendMessages C# script.
Line 9 of the script can be one or multiple of these options:

CPH.SendMessage(message, true) # It will send a normal message to Twitch
CPH.TwitchAnnounce(message, true) # It will announce a message in Twitch
CPH.SendYouTubeMessage(message, true) # It will send a message to Youtube

The second parameter specifies if the message should be sent by the bot (true) or by the broadcaster (false)


Tested it and worked as advertised, although this can just as easily be done via sub-actions. Personally, I would either remove the blurb about “should work with YouTube” and/or inform the user they need to modify line 9 of the code from:

CPH.SendMessage(message, true)


CPH.SendYouTubeMessage(message, true)

Keep in mind, that most times having the user edit any section of the code is NOT a good idea as they tend to create their own self-imposed headaches.

Another recommendation would to be remind the user they have to Enable the Timed Action (as it disables itself on import)

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