Run Remote Action


For dual PC streaming setups, use this action to remotely run an action on your streaming PC running within the local network via its Websocket or HTTP server

Import Code (10.6 KB)


On your main PC

  1. Download the .sb import code

  2. In, open the Import Dialog

  3. Open the folder where you saved the import code and drag and drop the .sb file into the Import String box

  4. Click Import


On your Streaming PC

Choose either to run actions from the Websocket Server or the HTTP server

Websocket Server

Go to the tab Servers/clients > Websocket Server (it’s the first tab in Server/Clients, not the last one) and click Start Server. If you prefer, you can enable Auto Start so that it automatically starts when opens

HTTP Server

Go to the tab Servers/Clients > HTTP Server and click Start Server. If you prefer, you can enable Auto Start so that it automatically starts when opens

Some notes:

  • You’ll need to find the local IPv4 address of your streaming PC by using something like ipconfig in powershell or checking Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center
  • In the following screenshots, will be used as an example IP

On the PC you wish to run the action from

If you’re using the Streaming PC’s Websocket Server

  • Go to the tab Servers/Clients > Websocket Clients
  • Right-click the white space under Host and click Add
  • Choose a name that helps identify that this client is connecting to your Streaming PC’s Websocket Server
  • Endpoint is whatever your Streaming PC’s IP address and port is in this format (remember to keep that final slash):
  • If you prefer, you can enable Auto Connect on Startup and Reconnect on Disconnect

  • In the Run Remote Action HTTP action, edit the Set Argument subactions for %remoteWebsocketConnection%
  • The Websocket Client list is zero-indexed, meaning that the first entry in the list has an ID of 0 (see above screenshot)
  • The imported action is set to 0 by default

If you’re using the Streaming PC’s HTTP Server

  • In the Run Remote Action HTTP Example action, edit the Set Argument subactions for %ipAddress% and %port%

Running the action

  • Whether you choose Websocket or HTTP, feel free to trigger this action however you want
  • You will need to set the argument %targetAction% to run the target action on the remote PC
  • Any other arguments set will be passed on to the target action
  • Methods such as the HTML Decks or Stream Deck will have ways to add arguments in


  • Included with the import code are some example actions for running via Websocket or HTTP server
  • The subactions of the example action are:
    • Set Argument subaction to set %targetAction% to the name of the remote action you wish to run
    • Run Action subaction to run Run Remote Action


Updated with more robust code. Should still work with earlier versions of

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