Points Transfer


This extension will allow you to import points from StreamElements or StreamLabs Chatbot.


Import Code



In Streamer.bot in select Import from the top left.
Copy the Import Code and paste it into the Import String.

For Streamelements points Streamelements-CSV is needed to export points to a CSV file.

For Streamlabs click on connections in the bottom left corner. Next click on cloud and then click Export Currency CSV and save the CSV file on a local readable drive.

Set the file path in the appropriate Action to point to the exported CSV file.

Add a new Command called !transferse for Streamelements or !transfersl for Streamlabs and point to the appropriate action.

C# References

In both Actions there is an Execute Code.

Each Execute Code will display errors when hitting Compile.

To add the references needed Right Click in the References tab.

Click Add reference from file... then type Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll and hit Open.

Next click Compile and a message saying Compiled Successful! should appear.

Hit Save and Compile and the Action is ready to be executed.

Example Usage

Run the appropriate Command from chat for whichever system points need to be transferred over from.
A response should be returned that all points have been successfully transferred.

This will only transfer points over for users that Streamer.bot has seen.
Boolean variables have been added to make sure that once a user’s points have been transferred over they will not be transferred again.
This ensures that this system can be run multiple times until all users have had their points transferred over to Streamer.bot.