Hangman - The Game


:video_game: Interactive Gameplay: Let your viewers participate in a classic Hangman game directly in chat.
:moneybag: Point System Support: Integrates with existing point systems (not Twitch Channel Points) to reward users for winning.
:ab: Letter Position Reveal: Displays the correct position of guessed letters in the word.
:bulb: Hint System: Provides a hint after every third incorrect guess, up to 50% of the word’s length.
:abc: Multi-Word Support: Now supports multi-word phrases for added variety and challenge.
:scroll: Used Word Tracking: Keeps track of used words to avoid repetition during the same session.
:trophy: Leaderboard: Displays the top 5 players and personal stats for participants.

Import File

:inbox_tray: Hangman - The Game.sb (36.3 KB)


:warning: Prerequisite: Ensure you have a working point system in your setup before using this script.

  • Import the script to SB
  • Activate all commands
  • Edit arguments if needed
  • %wordFilePath% needs to look like this: C:\JustPoint\ToYour\DesiredFolder
  • A .txt file gets created automatically at %filePath%.
  • Edit the .txt file this way:
    this is awesome
    is this 911


  • !hangman: Starts a new game.
  • to guess words you can do pretty much anything. supported guessing: t h e or this or parts of a whole sentence in the same manner as single words
  • !hmleaderboard: show the 5 best players and your own stats if you’re not on the list
  • !hmstats: shows your own personal stats only
  • !killhangman: moderator roles only ends the game immediately.


Hotfix v2.2
Just some QoL stuff, you don’t need to update to this version if you’re happy with the old version

  • added a new group ‘General Settings’ containing 2 new arguments:
    • useBot decide if messages should be send with broadcaster or bot account
    • sendAction decide if messages should be displays cursive (like with /me) or non-cursive as before.

This applies to all actions

(yes, i know it says v2.1 in the sub-actions. Just forgot to updated)

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