I’ve noticed that 2 out of 6 of my predictions i have set up no longer trigger predictions to start.
Here are the 2 that work fine in chat:
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch EXTRACT a bounty? / Yes / No
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch die to a shotgun this game? / Yes / No
these 4 no longer activate:
!prediction duration 90 / title How many kills this game? / 0-1 / 2+
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch get a melee kill this game? / Yes / No
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch KILL* a bounty this game? / Yes / No
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch die to a headshot this game? / Yes / No
I can say all 6 of these worked before the latest streamerbot update
i’ve run the predictions from both types of accounts - i do have automod turned off as well, but ill test next stream to see if those 4 work with the word kill replaced
btw this one doesn’t have the word kill in it
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch die to a headshot this game? / Yes / No
thanks for looking into this, i discovered it was related to the timing of a disable trigger i had setup once the prediction started (to prevent repeat predictions) - it was somehow disabling the prediction trigger before it could process, adding a 2 second delay seems to have fixed it