Dynamic Twitch Predictions broken after update?

I’ve noticed that 2 out of 6 of my predictions i have set up no longer trigger predictions to start.

Here are the 2 that work fine in chat:
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch EXTRACT a bounty? / Yes / No
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch die to a shotgun this game? / Yes / No

these 4 no longer activate:
!prediction duration 90 / title How many kills this game? / 0-1 / 2+
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch get a melee kill this game? / Yes / No
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch KILL* a bounty this game? / Yes / No
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch die to a headshot this game? / Yes / No

I can say all 6 of these worked before the latest streamerbot update

any ideas?


Just noting that I’ve seen this. I’ll be investigating sometime this weekend.

Haven’t done any testing, but your 4 all have the word kill. Is the account you’re running the command from the broadcaster or moderator?

My guess could be Twitch automod blocking it.

i’ve run the predictions from both types of accounts - i do have automod turned off as well, but ill test next stream to see if those 4 work with the word kill replaced

btw this one doesn’t have the word kill in it
!prediction duration 90 / title Will Arch die to a headshot this game? / Yes / No

I ran the two commands you say worked. And they worked as advertised.

I also ran the four commands you say that failed. These four commands worked for me.

If anything, I’ll need you to set your logs to Verbose, try to run the commands again, and then upload your logs to see why those ones aren’t working.

thanks for looking into this, i discovered it was related to the timing of a disable trigger i had setup once the prediction started (to prevent repeat predictions) - it was somehow disabling the prediction trigger before it could process, adding a 2 second delay seems to have fixed it

i noticed in your screenshots you also get the repeated “a new prediction has started” messages - any idea whats causing that to repeat?

Yeah I noticed that too. But I haven’t had time to look into it.