Classic Chat Gamble


:game_die: Dynamic Betting: Bet specific amounts, half your points, or go all-in!
:dart: Configurable Win Rates: The game uses customizable win percentages to keep it exciting.
:moneybag: Dynamic Jackpots: Jackpots are calculated based on base winnings, with configurable multipliers.
:tada: Win Multipliers: Multipliers between 1.5x and 2.5x make wins even more rewarding.
:arrow_forward: Multi-Platform Support: Twitch, Trovo and Youtube are supported platforms

Import File

:inbox_tray: (8.8 KB)


:warning: Prerequisite: Ensure you have a working point system in your setup before using this script.

  1. Import the script file into (SB).
  2. (Optional) Edit settings.
  3. Start playing and let the fun begin! :tada:


  • !gamble <amount>: Play with a specified amount of points.
  • !gamble all: Go all-in and bet all your points.
  • !gamble half: Bet half your total points for a safer gamble.



  • CCG now supports true multi-platform support, no need to define a preferred platform anymore.
  • Added more platform specific emotes for trovo messages and youtube


  • CCG now supports Twitch, Youtube and Trovo
  • For now, you can’t run the script for more then one platform simultaneously without crossfire messages.
  • An argument is added to rename points if needed
  • Messages trimmed a little