Allow broadcaster or mods to turn on or off channel point rewards.
Import Code
In in select Import
from the top left.
Copy the Import Code
and paste it into the Import String
!vfx [on|off]
Action - Visual Redeem Toggle
checks if on/off was included in the trigger command and either turns rewards on, off, or displays the current status of the switch
Action - Visual Redeem Status
outputs the current status of the switch to chat
Action - Visual Redeem On
triggered with "!vfx on" - enables set rewards
Action - Visual Redeem Off
triggered with "!vfx off" - disables set rewards
Calling !vfx without a parameter will give the status of the redeems by using the fxStatus global variable I created
calling ‘!vfx off’ or ‘!vfx on’ will change the global to ‘on’ or ‘off’ and run the appropriate action.
After importing, you will need to go into the visual redeem on and off commands to set which channel point rewards you want to be controlled by the switch, and create a command called !vfx (assigning it to the Visual Redeem Toggle action)
I have added in another action called VFX check that you can add to the beginning of any other actions that you only want to run when your VFX redeems are also on.