Coding Corner

C# Need help with your C# code? Just looking for some pointers? Ask the nerds in here and they just might have an answer for you. Extension Collab Have a Extension you’re working on and want to collab on it with others. Share it here and you never know who might help out. Make sure you have a specific function and/or theme you are going for when sharing it here. You never know who’s watching this forum and what super secret area you might get pulled in for further collabs in the future. C# Tips Tips from the community to help offer up good coding practices and help people new to coding learn and grow. We all had to start from zero so these tips are offered knowledge that we’ve learned either the hard way or through those more knowledgeable than us that taught us how to make better more efficient code. These tips are here to help you grow as a coder if that is what you are passionate about. C# Snippets A collection of useful C# snippets for that may help you get started. Please only post snippets in this category. NOT for support.
Topic Replies Views Activity
1 226 July 4, 2023
0 259 May 15, 2024
0 170 May 12, 2024
1 403 February 25, 2024
0 196 January 9, 2024
8 747 November 29, 2023